Finally, I'd like to state my intentions of doing this thing properly, meaning that I will come at my reviews with a strong foundation in the works' authors, the history of the medium, the politics present in the works, etc. I will do my best to provide valuable insight and education into the works at hand. I say this because the overall effect that the internet has had on film criticism has been overwhelmingly negative with too many voices that are not up to the task. Nobody would seriously listen to a juggler diagnosing a patient, for instance, yet this occurs in abundance in film and other media criticisms because people feel entitled to speak their mind. Far from wanting to remove rights from people, I would say that most people (potentially myself included) are not entitled or adequately prepared to diagnose a film, just as most people are not entitled or adequately prepared to diagnose a patient. But with all that said, I've been watching film and reading film criticism for over ten years, and I think I've got the right stuff for the job. I hope I'm right about this and I hope you enjoy.